External Funding Opportunities
Item 1 of 5
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2022 Round Closed
A three-year fellowship in the arts, humanities or social sciences, open to those within three years of submission of PhD.
Contact us by August 26th if interested
A three-year fellowship for those within 3 years of PhD who have a prior association with UK academia and are working in areas supported by the Trut.
Contact us by September 8th if interested
These fellowships enable researchers not based in the UK to work in the UK for two years. The scheme aims to attract the most promising early career postdoctoral researchers from overseas in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities. The Newton International Fellowships scheme is delivered by the British Academy and the Royal Society.
Contact us by February 2023 if interested
This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme.
Eligibility: a completed PhD or equivalent experience; no more than three years’ postdoctoral experience unless you can demonstrate how other factors have impacted on your research career.
Contact us by August 18th if interested