Mind, Mental Health and Psychiatry

Over the years, the Sowerby Philosophy and Medicine Project has hosted many talks and events exploring issues on the intersection between philosophy, philosophy of mind, psychiatry and mental health more generally. You can find recordings from some of these events below.


“Manic temporality and decision-making” by Wayne Martin (Essex)

“Mad by design: Rethinking psychiatry outside dysfunction” by Justin Garson (Hunter College and the Graduate Center City University of New York)

“Surviving the sirens: Self-binding advance directives in bipolar disorder” by Tania Gergel (KCL)

“Delusional reasoning” by Matthew Parrott (KCL)

“‘Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me’: The problem of defining delusion” by Abdi Sanati

“Mental illness and creativity” by Alexander Bird (KCL)

“Sharing personal stories in mental health debates” by Lisa Bortolotti (Birmingham)

“Is suicide a psychiatric problem?” by Hane Mang (Lancaster)

“What is Medicine if Not Precice” by Kathryn Tabb (Bard College)

“Externalism and the Limits of Biological Psychiatry” by Anneli Jefferson (Cardiff)

2017 Sowerby Lecture: “Mental Health and Justice: Classical and Romantic perspectives” by Gareth Owen (KCL)

Philosophy in Medical Education: Colloquium on Psychiatry

“Teaching Philosophy to Psychiatrists: A Paradigm Case of Interdisciplinary Education?” by Tania Gergel (King's College London)

“Self-binding directives, values and articulating cognitive impairment in bipolar” by Tania Gergel (KCL)